Peepal Tree - Ficus Religiosa

 Ficus religiosa or sacred fig is a species of fig native to the Indian subcontinent[2] and Indochina[3] that belongs to Moraceae, the fig or mulberry family. It is also known as the bodhi tree,[4] pippala tree, peepul tree,[2] peepal tree, pipal tree,[citation needed], ashvattha tree (in India and Nepal), or Asathu (ඇසතු) in Sinhala [5] The sacred fig is considered to have a religious significance in three major religions that originated on the Indian subcontinent, Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism. Hindu and Jain ascetics consider the species to be sacred and often meditate under it. This is the tree species under which Gautama Buddha is believed to have attained enlightenment. The sacred fig is the state tree of the Indian states of Odisha,[6] Bihar and Haryana.


Nature printed leaf, showing shape and venation

Ficus religiosa is a large dry season-deciduous or semi-evergreen tree up to 30 metres (98 ft) tall and with a trunk diameter of up to 3 metres (9.8 ft). The leaves are cordate in shape with a distinctive extended drip tip; they are 10–17 centimetres (3.9–6.7 in) long and 8–12 centimetres (3.1–4.7 in) broad, with a 6–10 centimetres (2.4–3.9 in) petiole. The fruits are small figs 1–1.5 centimetres (0.39–0.59 in) in diameter, green ripening to purple.[citation needed]

F. religiosa has a lifespan ranging between 900 and 1,500 years. The Jaya Sri Maha Bodhi tree in the city of Anuradhapura in Sri Lanka is estimated to be more than 2,250 years old.


Flooded Ficus religiosa trunk in the muddy water of the Mekong, in Laos.

Ficus religiosa suitably grows at altitudes ranging from 10 metres (33 ft) up to 1,520 metres (4,990 ft). Due to the climatic conditions which are prevalent throughout different heat zones, it can grow at latitudes ranging from 30°N to 5°S. It can tolerate air temperatures ranging between 0 to 35 °C (32 to 95 °F), beyond this upper limit its growth diminishes. It grows on a wide variety of soils but preferably needs deep, alluvial sandy loam with good drainage. It is also found on shallow soils including rock crevices.

Peepal Tree Leaves


Ficus religiosa is associated with Blastophaga quadriceps, an agaonid wasp which acts as its pollinator as this wasp lays its eggs only on trees of this species.

Ficus religiosa is tolerant to various climate zones and various types of soils. In India, being a native species, it occurs both naturally in wild as well as cultivated up to altitudes of 1,520 metres (4,990 ft). Peepul trees are native to Indian subcontinent and thrive in hot, humid weather. They prefer full sunlight and can grow in all soil types, though loam is the best.

Their roots penetrate inside the stem of the support, eventually splitting it from within. Ficus religiosa has been listed as an "environmental weed" or "naturalised weed" by the Global Compendium of Weeds (Randall, 2012).

The peepal tree is considered sacred by the followers of Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism. In the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna says, "I am the Peepal tree among the trees, Narada among the Deva Rishi (Divine sages), Bhrigu among the Saptha-Maharishis, Chitraratha among the Gandharvas, And sage Kapila among the Siddhas.

Sadhus (Hindu ascetics) meditate beneath sacred fig trees, and Hindus do pradakshina (circumambulation, or meditative pacing) around the sacred fig tree as a mark of worship. Usually seven pradakshinas are done around the tree in the morning time chanting "vriksha rajaya namah", 


Ficus religiosa is used in traditional medicine for about fifty types of disorders including asthma, diabetes, diarrhea, epilepsy, gastric problems, inflammatory disorders, infectious and sexual disorders.

Farmers in North India also cultivate it for its fig fruit.[citation needed]

The trunk of this tree is used by farmers as a soil leveller. After seed harvesting, the rectangular trunk is connected to tractors and levels the soil.[18]

What is special about Peepal tree?

Peepal, a large evergreen tree, is considered to be sacred in India. It not only emits oxygen but also has many important medicinal benefits. Different parts of the Peepal such as root bark, stem bark, roots, leaves, and fruits are used to manage conditions like high blood sugar levels, constipation, and asthma.

Does Peepal tree give oxygen 24 hours?

The 'peepal' tree, which is also known as 'sacred fig', releases oxygen round-the-clock unlike many other plants, which release oxygen only during the day.

Which God live in Peepal tree?

The Peepal tree, also known as Vasudeva, is considered to be the most sacred in the Hindu religion. In Sanatan Dharma, Peepal is called the tree of Gods. It is said that the deities reside on every leaf of the tree. Especially on Saturday, Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Vishnu reside in the Peepal tree.

What is Peepal tree called in English?

Image result for peepal tree

The peepal tree, also called Ficus religiosa, belonging to the family Moraceae, is a variation of the fig tree known as the bodhi tree. The word 'Ficus' in Latin refers to 'fig', the fruit of the tree and the word 'Religiosa' refers to 'religion', as it is sacred in both Buddhism and Hinduism.

Why Peepal tree is not be kept in home?

You can worship peepal tree at home but you shouldn't plant a tree in the house for the following reasons : It leads to negativity festering in the life of residents. It leads to problems emerging in married life as well. It will become a hindrance to the progress of the family members.

What happens if we sleep under Peepal tree?

No doubt the peepal tree emits oxygen at night, but all other trees breathe in oxygen and release Carbon dioxide. Sleeping under the peepal trees is safe to certain extent, the amount of increased Carbon dioxide in the air around will certainly affect the health.

What happens if Peepal tree is in front of house?

The presence of this tree in the house gives happiness and success. The Peepal tree is also supposed to be home to the Gods, but keep in mind that the Peepal tree should always be kept at a safe distance from the house, as Peepal shade falling on the house is considered a bad omen by Vastu Shastra.

Is cutting Peepal tree is sin?

Peepal tree should not be uprooted, it is considered inauspicious to do so, if it has to be cut under any special circumstances, then first worship it. It should only be plucked on Sunday.

Why do people light Diya under Peepal tree?

Closest Place to Lord Krishna's Heart

In Bhagavad Gita, It says that Krishna himself confronted that “Among trees, I am the Ashvattha.” Moreover, elders said that Lord Krishna took his last breath under the peepal tree. And, it may be the prominent reason people light a lamp under a peepal tree.

Is Peepal tree banyan tree?

On which day we should not touch Peepal tree?

The tree is said to be Lord Vishnu's manifestation. Worshipping this tree brings peace of mind, but it is important to note not to do so on Sundays. After 8 p.m., remember not to light a diya in front of the peepal trees.

Where should Peepal tree be placed?

The tree is considered most auspicious, the abode of gods and goddesses, and is planted to the north-east of temples. It is believed that the Trimurti resides there: Brahma the roots, Vishnu the trunk and Siva the leaves (perhaps that is why the leaves are in an eternal joyous dance).