Omega-3 Fatty Acids: An Essential Contribution

The human body can make most of the types of fats it needs from other fats or raw materials. That isn’t the case for omega-3 fatty acids (also called omega-3 fats and n-3 fats). These are essential fats—the body can’t make them from scratch but must get them from food. Foods high in Omega-3 include fish, vegetable oils, nuts (especially walnuts), flax seeds, flaxseed oil, and leafy vegetables.

What makes omega-3 fats special? They are an integral part of cell membranes throughout the body and affect the function of the cell receptors in these membranes. They provide the starting point for making hormones that regulate blood clotting, contraction and relaxation of artery walls, and inflammation. They also bind to receptors in cells that regulate genetic function. Likely due to these effects, omega-3 fats have been shown to help prevent heart disease and stroke, may help control lupus, eczema, and rheumatoid arthritis, and may play protective roles in cancer and other conditions.

Omega-3 fats are a key family of polyunsaturated fats. There are three main omega-3s:

·         Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) come mainly from fish, so they are sometimes called marine omega-3s.

·         Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), the most common omega-3 fatty acid in most Western diets, is found in vegetable oils and nuts (especially walnuts), flax seeds and flaxseed oil, leafy vegetables, and some animal fat, especially in grass-fed animals. The human body generally uses ALA for energy, and conversion into EPA and DHA is very limited.


 What is the main benefit of omega-3?

Likely due to these effects, omega-3 fats have been shown to help prevent heart disease and stroke, may help control lupus, eczema, and rheumatoid arthritis, and may play protective roles in cancer and other conditions. Omega-3 fats are a key family of polyunsaturated fats.


Is omega-3 good to take daily?

The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends that people with coronary heart disease or heart failure take omega-3 supplements containing EPA and DHA daily. More research is needed to establish the ideal dose, but most studies have used about 1,000 mg per day.


Which fruit is rich in omega-3?

Berries, especially blueberries contain 0.25 gram of omega 3 fatty acids per 100g serving. They can be a very good addition in your list of vegetarian foods. Berries are quite versatile and easy to incorporate in regular foods.


What foods are rich in omega-3? Or What foods provide omega-3s?

·         Fish and other seafood (especially cold-water fatty fish, such as salmon, mackerel, tuna, herring, and sardines)

·         Nuts and seeds (such as flaxseed, chia seeds, and walnuts)

·         Plant oils (such as flaxseed oil, soybean oil, and canola oil)


Who should take omega-3?

In general, the American Heart Association recommends people without a history of heart disease eat at least two servings of fish per week (6 ounces to 8 ounces total). If you have heart disease or high triglyceride levels, you may benefit from consuming even more omega-3 fatty acids.



What are the risks of omega-3?

Side effects of omega-3 supplements are usually mild. They include unpleasant taste, bad breath, bad-smelling sweat, headache, and gastrointestinal symptoms such as heartburn, nausea, and diarrhea. Several large studies have linked higher blood levels of long-chain omega-3s with higher risks of prostate cancer.


What is the best time of day to take omega-3?

Summary. Some evidence suggests that taking supplements that contain omega-3 with a meal that contains fat can increase absorption. As a result, people may wish to take fish oil at breakfast, lunch, or dinner. However, there is no correct or incorrect time to take it.


How many omega-3 pills per day?

A standard 1000 mg fish oil softgel provides around 300 mg of Omega-3s, and to meet the 500 mg EPA and DHA recommendation, a minimum of two softgels would be necessary. Make sure to read the “Supplement Facts” label to determine the amount of EPA and DHA in a fish oil/omega-3 supplement.


Are almonds rich in omega-3?

One hundred grams of the oil extracted from the most common nuts (peanut, coconut, almond, hazel, Brazil and cashew) would provide about 900 kcal of energy but no omega-3 fatty acids. Of the oils from these nuts, that of cashew has the highest omega-3 fatty acid content, at only 0.14 g/100 g.